
Future Faculty of Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University

Future Faculty at the Sahlgrenska Academy is an organization that promotes the interests of junior scientists. Current members include scientists without a permanent faculty position for e.g. assistant professors, associate professors and post-doctoral scientists. We provide support to our members by routinely organizing seminars in different subjects relating to professional development, grant proposal writing and hearings with Academy/Institution representatives.

About cilla 3 Articles
In the fall of 2014, six universities founded the National Junior Faculty (NJF) at a first joint meeting at Karolinska Institutet. These six included Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University, Karolinska Institutet, Linköpings University, Lund University, Umeå University and Uppsala University. In 2017, Örebro University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) joined. In 2018, Stockholm University and Malmö University joined the NJF. Representing the future of Swedish research, NJF aims to give this important group of researchers a strong and collective voice when addressing politicians, research funding bodies and the public. Each university sends representatives to the bi-annual meetings and the current chair is K. Herzog, PhD. Now, NJF collectively represents over 3000 members (i.e. postdoctoral fellows, researchers and faculty members) across Sweden. In order to carry out the most relevant and high impact interventions on the behalf of junior researchers, NJF regularly performs a survey of the situation of junior faculty at each university. Hence, the strength of our organization is that we represent a breadth where junior researchers from the biggest universities in Sweden are included, and potentially all universities in Sweden could be members.

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